Shrikkanth, an academic star and the brightest student in his department, finds a heavy task weighing him down in the form of a project. When Miss Divya, his guide’s assistant, pushes him too far, a spat breaks out between them and a conflict with the faculties of the department ensues. A visit to the zoo, gives him some respite, though the visit turns out to be mixed in fortunes. A suggestion from his uncle to take a trip to his native calms him and he gains composure. Misery in the form of his guide is now troubling him. Standing in his way is his impending castigation looming before his planned trip. Will he ever get off his troubles? Or will he succumb to it? Will Shrikkanth ever find what he’s looking for?</br>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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税込価格 95円

